Senin, 22 April 2013

 The Use of Social Media in ELT

Social media comprehends a group of social networks and other web pages at internet, which teachers can use to teach.
Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as “a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content.
Forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and micro blogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos).

Characteristics of Social Media
·        Participation
·        Open
·        Conversation
·        Community
·        Connective

Types of Social Media
·        Social network : MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Line, Path, WeChat, and etc.
·        Blogs : blogger, wordpress, and etc.
·        Wikis : Wikipedia
·        PodCast : Appel iTunes
Various types of Social Media

·         Freedom of speech.
·         Share knowledge with other people.
·         Make friends online.
·         Can be used as a diary.
·         Can be used as a portfolio, adding new work per day or per week.
·         Independent of time or place.
·         It’s not necessary to be an expert on using computers, this is easy to use.
·         Students are able to develop communication skills within class using the computer.
·         It is a flexible tool which can be used for a wide variety of applications.
·         Free of time, place or distance. Possible to create a community of learners.
·         Anyone can edit and it is easy to use and follow. Students can be authors, not just researchers.
·         Technology works as motivator, students like internet.

Freedom of Speech in Social Media

Disadvantages of Using Social Media
·         Need to keep it constantly updated otherwise you lose potential readers.
·         Easy to start, hard to maintain.
·         All the classroom have to count with easy access to internet.
·         Difficult to implement in rural institutions.
·         Low level of confidentially.
·         Students become easily distracted and use the computers for other purposes.
·         Requires Internet connectivity to collaborate, but also the possibility to print.
·         The information can be modified in a bad way by any user.

Recent Research on How Best to Use Social Media for Language Learning
·        Engage students in the practice of English
Students who use social media in their courses increase their technology and communication skills, are more creative, and are more open to diverse ideas. hey can also master course content more efficiently.
·         Provide more authentic input
·         Build community
Students who use social media tend to support each other and even act as mentors.
·         Develop critical thinking skills
Online discussion forums can increase students’ critical thinking skills.

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